Renewable Distributed Generation Forum

La red de energía de próxima generación se caracteriza por una alta penetración de las energías renovables, la generación distribuida, almacenamiento de energía, y una unidad para controlar las emisiones de coste y de carbono. La próxima ola de la tecnología de red inteligente se centrará en avanzadas de análisis Big Data, gestión de la red, y las innovaciones de la red de distribución que se integran y facilitan la energía limpia, eficiencia y compromiso con el cliente proactivo. Utilidades de todo el mundo están buscando la integración de energía solar más distribuida, eólica, biomasa y otras fuentes renovables en la matriz energética, el aprovechamiento de las inversiones de la red y microrredes inteligentes para ofrecer servicios avanzados y la mejora de rendimiento de la red.

Más información | Renewable Distributed Generation Forum


The next-generation energy grid will be characterized by a high penetration of renewable energy resources, distributed generation, energy storage, and a drive to control cost and Carbon emissions. The next wave of smart grid technology deployment will focus on advanced Big Data analytics, grid management, and distribution network innovations that integrate and facilitate clean energy, efficiency, and proactive customer engagement. Utilities around the world are looking at integrating more distributed solar, wind, biomass, and other renewable sources into the energy mix, leveraging smart grid and microgrid investments to deliver advanced services and improved network performance.

The Renewable Distributed Generation Forum, April 13-15, 2016 in Lausanne, Switzerland, will examine the latest technology advances and business models for increasing the penetration of renewable energy while optimizing the ROI for stakeholders across the energy ecosystem. The emphasis is on real-world case studies and lessons learned to date, and addresses such topics as:

  • Grid-scale and distributed energy storage
  • Market opportunities, growth projections, and change drivers
  • Predictive analytics and Big Data utilization for advanced operations
  • Grid-connected and off-grid microgrid systems
  • Managing impact of renewables on transmission and distribution system
  • Interfaces and integration into existing systems
  • Power control strategies and monitoring
  • Next-gen smart grid technologies and network architectures
  • Advanced technologies for enabling greater PV integration
  • New-generation distributed energy resources inverters
  • Transactive energy and Virtual Power Plant scenarios
  • Advanced grid modeling, forecasting and design tools
  • Meeting aggressive mandates for renewables implementation
  • Standards issues and integration challenges
  • And more

More information | Renewable Distributed Generation Forum